ACT Vulnerable Road User Program

The ACT Vulnerable Road User Program is available for any new Learner Driver. It consists of a component of self-directed learning that is to be completed before attending the class for a two-hour workshop. The course is focused on safely sharing the road with cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. Completing this course will provide TEN HOURS towards the required driving hours. The course is available to learner drivers of all ages . Course cost is $60 total. Pay online securely at the time of booking by PayPal or Credit or Debit Card. 

The Program

Please note this Course is scheduled to run once a fortnight on a Sunday morning online from 10am to 11:30am. Check available dates on the booking calendar.
The Vulnerable Road User Program is available for any learner driver. The VRU Program is designed to engage with new drivers to give them greater insight, awareness and respect for motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians to reduce the risk of harm to these vulnerable road users.

These road users are vulnerable because they do not benefit from the level of crash protection other vehicles have and therefore are at a higher risk of being injured or killed in a road crash. Drivers of cars or larger vehicles are often the greatest risk to VRUs. Please note, we are only doing online courses. 

Motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians are all legitimate road users and have the same rights and responsibilities for using the road as motorists. As more Canberrans choose active travel options, we are not only improving health and wellbeing but also promoting sustainable transport. It is important that we recognise the role that these road users play in improving congestion on our roads and improving road safety in the ACT. In simple terms, the less we have people driving, the fewer crashes that will occur. If just 10% of Canberrans changed to non-car transport modes, we could expect to see dramatic decreases in the number of crashes on ACT roads.

VRUs remain overrepresented in road user casualty figures, which includes injuries and fatalities as a result of crashes. Over the last 10 years, there has been an average of 630 serious injuries and ten fatalities on ACT roads each year. Of these, VRUs have represented 40% of all casualties. This program will greatly increase your awareness of other road users and help make you a more considerate driver. Successful completion of the program will provide 10 hours towards the required driving hours.

Eligibility to participate

All participants must have held their ACT Learner Licence for a period of at least THREE MONTHS.

Do I need to do anything before arriving at the workshop ?

Yes ! You must complete the VRU Booklet Part One ( we will send this to you) and bring it with you to the Course. You can also download this workbook by clicking here.

What can I expect?

The Vulnerable Road User Program includes both a component of self-directed learning (completed before arriving for the Program) and a workshop, which includes both theory and practical components.

What are my requirements in order to complete the Course ?

Two things: a) active participation in the workshop and b)  completion of the self-directed learning component prior to attending the workshop.

What do I do after successfully completing the Course?

You will be issued with Course completion certificate which you can then take to Access Canberra, together with your Logbook.  You will then be credited with 10 hours of ACT logbook experience.

What do I need to bring with me to the course?

  • Your ACT Driver Licence.
  • Your completed self-directed Workbook (VRU Part One).
  • VRU Workbook Part Two.
  • Something to write with and some paper.

Course Cost $60

Completing this Course will provide participants with 10 hours towards their required driving hours

Book Your Course

Course Booking Questions

Click here to Email For Online Course Enquiries

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